The charity gives grants to those who are in poor health, convalescent or who have a disability. 

The Warwick Provident Dispensary Charity is regulated by a Scheme dated 24th March 1969 issued by the Charity Commission.

This Charity gives grants to those who are in poor health, convalescent or who have a disability. The applicant must be a resident within the boundaries of the Town of Warwick. Help can be given to pay for items, services or facilities which are calculated to alleviate the suffering or assist the recovery of such persons in such cases, but are not readily available to them from other sources.


Applicants must reside in the Town of Warwick and be worthy of assistance regarding health and welfare. Applications should be supported by a referring agency. 


Application forms may be obtained by clicking “Application Form” or from:

C E R Houghton Esq,

Messrs Moore & Tibbits, Solicitors,

34 High Street


CV34 4BE

Registered Charity Number 253987

The Warwick Provident Dispensary Charity

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